Draft Revitalization Plan Available for Review!
St. Lawrence County has developed a Draft Revitalization Plan for the former GM Massena site, located in the Town of Massena, NY. With funding from the New York State Department of State Brownfield Opportunity Area grant program (BOA), the Massena BOA revitalization plan process began in 2015 and will wrap up in August 2017.
The materials below, including an executive summary, full draft revitalization plan and related appendices, present findings of the 2+ year planning initiative and outline a strategy and actions to advance a range of revitalization opportunities for the 415-acre study area.
Additional project background information is included further down on the page. To review materials, please click on the links below to download the corresponding documents:
Executive Summary
Draft Revitalization Plan
Section 1. Description of the Project and Boundary
Section 2. Community Participation
Section 3. Analysis of the Brownfield Opportunity Area
Section 4. Market and Economic Analysis Summary
Section 5. Recommendations of the BOA
Section 6. Near-Term Actions
A. Economic and Market Analysis
B. Incentives and Funding Sources
C. Infrastructure and Utilities Analysis
D. Community Revitalization Case Studies
Project Background
Massena BOA Process
Since the closure of the former GM Massena plant in 2009, the North Country Revitalization Task Force has brought together municipalities (Town of Massena, Village of Massena, St. Lawrence County), St. Regis Mohawk tribal government, businesses, economic development agencies, organized labor and property owners to advance revitalization opportunities for the local economy.
The North Country Redevelopment Task Force has formed the Massena BOA Project Steering Committee to guide the development of the Revitalization Plan. Over the next 18 months, the Steering Committee will work with the project’s consulting team to evaluate site conditions, regional economic and market considerations and redevelopment feasibility; and work through a broad-based community engagement process to develop a vision, future land use plans and a redevelopment strategy for the 415-acre Massena BOA project area.